Riding out below the Trading Post... this really brings this site to life!
The foreground foundation was the Quartermasters Storehouse and the Infantry Barracks immediately behind.
The Quartermaster Storehouse... the hub of this community. The Quartermaster was responsible for supplies, construction and maintenance of the buildings, contracts for forage and firewood, and all forms of transportation. He also hired all civilian employees... teamsters, blacksmiths, carpenters and masons.
Soldiers drew equipment and clothing from this office and received work orders for post construction projects.
The infantry barracks appeared to be the largest building here.
Privacy was not a feature of barracks life.
The barracks were delightful to photograph... such interesting shapes remaining with windows and doors.
The Commanding Officers Quarters... an elaborate Victorian style duplex style structure had 13 rooms and cost a whooping $4,000 at the time. This was the nicest rock foundation at this site.
This foundations was where the school was located. On the left behind the new building is a Visitors Centre... a small museum maintained by the park with staff to answer question and sell memorabilia.
This Trading Post provided for sale items not supplied by the army... and provided a place for the women to satisfy their need to "shop."
I really enjoyed all these signs on each foundation here. It helped to bring these ruins to life.
The capture of Geronimo marked the end of hassles with the Apaches... and soon after this fort was wound down.
This was Shirley's capture of the barracks ruins... we just loved coming to this place.
There were numerous plaques along the trail to help identify plants and trees.
The Yucca does not flower every year... but when it does the fruit yields black seeds.
This is a Soaptree Yucca before growing the stalk.
And here is a Yucca that has died.
The Engelmann Prickly Pear Cactus
Close up as we were heading back to the car and the sun was setting.
If one had not been there first, how would you ever see Fort Bowie unless you had some powerful binoculars.
But with full zoom on the telephoto lens one can see the fort in the centre of this photo. When you know where to look you can also pick out the original fort site and Apache Springs.
It was amazing to see the land that we walked to get to and from this incredible site... an unforgettable day.
Such interesting landscape there--really rugged beauty! Glad you had a fun outing; some really great pictures between your two posts.